January 24, 2011


apparently smudge didn't get enough attention today being home with 3 sick people because tonight he was definitely seeking attention and NOT in a good way! ugh! (don't worry.  i gripe about this obnoxious little varmint, but he really makes me laugh!)

i was sitting in my recliner working on knitting my sock when he suddenly appeared on the foot of my chair.  he snatched the entire sock, needles and all, and tried to escape with it!  thankfully my reflexes were fast enough to grab his mouth, and he let go (after i untangled the yarn from his teeth!).  

so then he just sat there.....looking at me like this:

without taking his eyes off of me, he slowly pushed his little snout toward my pattern that was resting on my knee...

he took hold of a little corner and carefully started pulling....

then he tried to go for the snatch, but again, amy won even with a camera-phone in hand!

about an hour later i heard the pounding of hairy little paws and the rattle of plastic.  there was a blur of brown fur carrying a long plastic bag in his mouth.  it was s.m.u.d.g.e. and he had a bag of cotton rounds, not cotton balls.  thank goodness!  he would have had cotton balls everywhere!!!!

the chase was on.  we went a couple of laps, and i was unsuccessful.  i grabbed my camera on the third lap because i wanted to document one of our little adventures.

each picture shows me getting a couple of steps closer to the little thief.

notice the bag is at his feet.

 i move a few steps closer, and the bag is now in his mouth.

now he moves beside the recliner, and he is peeking around it to see if i am still coming.

i am still coming you little varmint!  so he takes off behind the chair! daryl is in the background holding a red blanket which ends up being smudge's demise....

now he's behind the chair, bag on the ground, tempting me to reach down and grab it.  only he knows that he can get it faster than i can because the chair is in my way...

 "come on, amy....i dare you...."

"too slow!  i'm off again!

 "hey!  let's do the behind-the-chair-thing again!  you stink at that, amy!"

i wasn't going to play his game anymore, so i backed into the hallway out of his line of vision.  he eventually came out from behind it and ran behind daryl's chair.  what smudge didn't know was that he was walking into a trap!  daryl threw the red blanket on him, smudge dropped the bag and then smudge and i both ran to retrieve it!  i was victorious!  take that, puppy!

"are we really done playing chase?"

photo of the day
utter defeat

quote of the day:  "smudge!!!!" ~ me

January 23, 2011

sickness and snowmen

i have to confess that at first i wasn't happy about not having another snow day on friday.  it was so cold, and there was still quite a bit of snow and ice on the roads.  but once i got to school, i realized the roads weren't bad at all outside of the residential streets.  i'll be thankful in the spring when we have days left over and have good friday off!

spencer stayed home on friday because he was running fever.  colby was finally fever-free so he got to go back to school.  they both felt terrible on thursday, so they didn't even go out and play in the snow.  when we got home from school colby asked if i would play out in the snow with him since spencer was sick.  i really don't like playing in snow.  it's cold and wet, and then i'm cold and wet!  it takes me forever to thaw out!

but i felt sorry for colby because he'd been cooped up all week with sickness, so i agreed to make mini-snowmen with him.  i knew i wouldn't last long enough to make a regular-size snowman!  it turns out, i outlasted him!  i had so much fun making these little guys and decorating them with leftover scrapbook supplies!

this is the first one i made.  i thought he was so adorable until i made my second one!

smudge and spencer were watching us from the front door.  it wasn't long before they both joined us!  colby and smudge didn't last long after this picture.  they were both cold and went in the house.

this is my second mini snowman.  he is so stinkin' cute (in my opinion)!!!  i even took some branches off some tree in our yard to make a little scene around him!  and then we had a little photo shoot while spencer worked on his snowman.

this is colby's little snowman.  like i said, he got cold and went inside.  that's why this one has minimal decorations!

and this is spencer's snowman!  he used the carrot nose as a hat!  cute idea!

photo of the day
mini snowman family

friday night we spent plopped in front of the tv watching america's funniest videos.  i was wrapped up in a couple of blankets still trying to thaw out from building snowmen!  one of the videos showed a woman with a stocking on her head. the boys thought it was hilarious and wanted to try it out for themselves....why not?


spencer....i nearly wet myself because i was laughing so hard at spencer!

and then i thought....i wonder what i would look like!  i'd never put a stocking on my head before so why not join them?  by the way, if you've never done this, live a little!  go get a stocking, put it on your head and take a picture!  i promise you'll laugh!

yesterday daryl and i went to lunch and did our weekly wal-mart trip.  ahhhh date-time!  i will take what i can get.  shortly after we got home, the boys crashed again!  both started running fever again.  ugh.  i thought colby was over this!

i worked the rest of the day trying to figure out how to knit a sock!  i found a sock pattern that said it was for beginners, and just started knitting.  i lost count of how many times i had to pull out the stitches and start all over again.  very irritating!  but i am determined to knit a pair of socks this year!  i will not let double-pointed needles defeat me!

last night/early this morning, my sock finally started taking shape....the shape of a sock!  woo hoo!

photo of the day
it's a sock!

so today i stayed home from church since i have 2 sick little boys.  after they had lunch they both perked up and the next thing i knew there was a nerf war going on around me!  they were running around the house, laughing and shooting each other with nerf darts.  i thought maybe they are finally feeling better, so i went to a ladies' meeting at church for a little bit.   when i got home they were both snuggled under blankets and running a fever!!!!

in case you're wondering, smudge has felt just fine.  in fact he kept himself busy today.

he reorganized my yarn in studio A. (someone used studio A as their 'base' during the nerf war and smudge got in. argh!)

and then he redecorated my bathroom!
between my two sick children and one varmint puppy, i may need a mental health day for me!!!!

quote of the day:  "snowmen fall from heaven unassembled." ~unknown