yesterday i stayed longer after school than i had planned to stay. that ended up being a good thing because our entire team was there, and we were able to plan next week together.
as we were pulling into our neighborhood, colby asked if he could go play at alli's house. i initially told him no because it was so late, and it didn't look like they were home. but right as i was about to pass their house, i saw a light on in the window and quickly changed my mind and pulled into their driveway.
colby got to play at her house for a couple of hours, and her mom said she would bring him home.
spencer asked if we could just keep driving around and not go home yet. he'd had rotten day, but he wouldn't talk to me about it even though i told him that i was there for him anytime he wanted to talk. he still didn't want to share.
it was already after 5 p.m., and i really wanted to go home. but i could tell he didn't just want to sit at home, so i changed my plans and just kept driving. i'm so thankful i did.
he realized we weren't headed home and asked where we were going. i just said, "you said you didn't want to go home yet and wanted to keep driving, so that's what we're doing. do you want to go see the bowling ball yard art?" we ended up driving to nowata, and he ended up opening up to me and sharing his bad day with me. (nothing major, but it would have made my day lousy if it had happened to me!)
he wasn't in such a bad mood after our quick, spontaneous road trip.
so now i've been to the bowling ball yard art place 3 times, but each time it's still fun!
i'm giving bunny ears to a rabbit! ha ha! i'm so funny!
notice how straight his whiskers are in this picture.....
spencer was fascinated by the newton balls made out of bowling balls!
there was an OSU bowling ball display, but spencer didn't want anything to do with that. hmm...i wonder why!
beautiful oklahoma sunset!
now look at the bunny's whiskers! one of them is bent! after i took a picture of spencer giving him bunny ears, i swear that rabbit bit me when i walked by! i felt something grab my arm and when i looked at it, his whisker was bent! sneaky rabbit!
photo of the day
barbed wire at sunset
awesome giant pig at a nearby farm!
today i went to the tulsa performing arts center with kori, kashia and their mom, karen (a.k.a. granny k) we saw the dance show, burn the floor. i don't know how those people danced so much! they made me tired just watching them!
this was my attempt at a one-arm-shot of all of us. it would have been a great picture if i hadn't cut kashia in half!
photo of the day
burning the floor with kashia, kori and granny k!
quote of the day: "hey mom, don't leave those earwax sticks with the cotton on the end on the floor....smudge tries to eat them." ~colby (as he was taking out the trash today)