February 10, 2011

manic monday

after 6 days of being out of school, we finally went back monday.  since there was still a lot of snow and ice on the road, daryl took us to school so he could use my car.  when he takes us, that means we have to leave extra early because spencer has to be to school by 8:10.

needless to say, we were all rushing around like crazy monday morning trying to get ready and make sure we had everything we needed.  daryl was already in the car waiting on us when smudge decided to be a nerd. argh....

i sat down in my chair to put on my socks and set my shoes down right beside my feet.  the little, hairy nerd ran past me and grabbed one of my shoes without even pausing!  it was a snatch and grab!

of course this was NOT the time for this.  he was definitely not earning any gold stars with me!  so you might be thinking:  "if you're already in a hurry, how did you have time to stop and take pictures of this?"

good question.  i took pictures to try and distract him while spencer and colby snuck up behind him to get my shoe back.
c'mon!  let's play!

on your mark...get set...go!
 i really don't remember how we got it back, but there was probably lots of yelling involved.

believe it or not, life at school was actually on the normal side of the scale!  of course the kids were super-chatty, but what do you expect?  they've been cooped up, away from their friends.  they had a lot of catching up to do!

our frantic monday continued that afternoon.  school gets out at 3:40, and the boys had to be at auditions for the missoula children's theater at 4:00!  i said good-bye to my students, grabbed my stuff and we were out the door!

this theater troupe tours the country, and the world actually, putting on productions using only children from kindergarten through 8th grade.  it is absolutely amazing what they can do with these kids in just one week!  last year the boys were in rumpelstiltskin, and they loved!  they couldn't wait to try out for this year's production:  king arthur's quest

photo of the day

and once again, thankfully, both boys got parts!  we are so excited!

spencer is playing the part of the ghost of uther pendragron.
colby is a camelotian.  (that's a step up from a bumblebee last year!)

quote of the day:  "give me that squeegee!!!!" ~audition line

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