February 16, 2011

not again!

today was the first wednesday i've been back at school for 2 weeks!  this was going to be the first time i've worked an entire week for quite a while.

but colby apparently didn't want to be back in the normal routine of going to school 5 days a week.  i guess he liked the blizzard schedule of one or two days at school and the rest of the week at home.  around 9:45 this morning one of the aides showed up at my door saying that my little one was in the office because he had thrown up.

she watched my class while i went to check on him.  as i passed his classroom, i noticed it was empty.  then i saw why....their room took a direct hit from colby!  poor guy!  he said he told his teacher he felt like he was going to puke so she told him to go to the restroom, but he didn't make it there in time.  he barfed in his chair and then on the floor by the door!  he also managed to spread the love in the office trash can a time or two.

so i frantically threw together some sub plans, and we came home.  he spent the day laying around on the couch while i graded papers and worked on other school things.

he didn't act sick at all.  i don't know what upset his stomach so much this morning. the only thing i let him have today was sprite and crackers, but he's been complaining about starving tonight.  i baked him a potato and he kept that down.  he said he was still hungry, so i let him have a frozen fudge bar.

i was working on the computer when i heard a moaning, whining noise behind me.  i turned around and colby had a sort of panicked look on his face and the fudge bar was attached to his tongue.  being the concerned mom that i am i said, "it's not stuck. you're just faking it.  very funny." and turned back around to finish what i was doing on the computer.

the whining got louder and more strained so i turned around again.  the fudge bar was still there, and colby was starting to tear up.  again, being the concerned mom that i am, i said, "it's really stuck!  let me see!!!  don't pull it off!  i want a picture!"  he started moaning more and started crying harder. it was like i was watching my own personal version of a christmas story right here in my own home!!! 

i was feeling a little bad for him at this point, but i still got a picture!
photo of the day
it's stuck!
it wasn't hard to get his tongue off.  all i did was sprinkle a little bit of water on it, and it popped right off without removing any tongue skin.  emergency over.

quote of the day:  "don't pull it off!  i want a picture!" ~ me


  1. Hahahahahaha! I LOVE that picture! You have an AWESOME life!

  2. oh. my. goodness. hilarious!!! i so would have taken a picture too.
