yesterday we had a blood drive at church. lots of people showed up to donate, which was wonderful! to make this process a little more fun, my friend kashia and i made a bet to see which one of us could fill up our bag with blood the fastest.
if won, she would GIVE a sugar cookie scent pack for my scentsy warmer (she sells scentsy stuff). and if she won i would BUY the scent pack from her. our bleeding times were very different. one of us bled twice as fast as the other one!
my time....... 12 minutes, 36 seconds
kashia's time..... 5 minutes 37 seconds!
dang it!
photo of the day
blood donors
tonight i had to pay up on my bet with the boys that they wouldn't sleep in the tent in the backyard all night last thursday night. (i'm beginning to think i shouldn't go to vegas!) i told them if they could make it all night they could have s'mores since you've gotta have s'mores when you camp! so tonight we made indoor s'mores! hand-held lighters make great little fires for roasting marshmallows!
photo of the day
indoor s'mores!
quote of the day: "hey, mom! smudge got a shock collar!" ~ spencer
Yummy! Love S'mores!!!!